Our school is located in the city of Florence and it's close to the historical center. The I. C. Masaccio, was born in the 2010/2011, is a school situation that provides education to approximately 1510 students and it consists of 4 separate buildings corresponding to 3 school grades: nursery, primary (Giotto, Enriques-Capponi, Andrea del Sarto) and lower secondary school (Masaccio). In the school area there are people with medium-high income, commercial businesses, banks and commercial facilities together with a very heterogeneous background. This is one of the reasons our school has had a great success among families and students which have increased in number in the last years. In the last few years this zone has been subjected to immigration from Eastern European countries. This immigration has set our district as an area of one of the highest percentage and number wise of foreign pupils. For this reason one of the targets of our school is to establish profitable and solid relationship with other European countries in the didactic area. We also have about 25 students with special needs, either affected by physical handicaps or emotional diseases. Our school is sensitive to the problems of disabled students for which they're designed and implemented training programs that facilitate their integration in reality not just school. Foreign pupils and students with special needs work in the same class as other students and we are very interested in all good practices that can successfully meet the integration needs of our mixed learning groups. We believe that this project can help to increase the motivation of some of our students, especially through the use of ICT and making the learning of English more meaningful. In addition the use of innovative methodology, creativity and team work will make the learning of new concepts more lasting. With this european project we want to offer a European experience to students at our school and share our believes and values with schools in Europe; that is of understanding and equality as well as mutual respect.
Our school is in Carini, a town located on the west coast of Sicily. From the results of our school's Self-Assessment Report shows that the socio-cultural context, where the school operates, is "average", with an unemployment rate of around 19%. The level of education of the parents is medium-low. Our school provides education to almost 1000 students attending pre-primary and primary school. Over the past few years, the increase of foreign students in our school became more and more consistent, so that iour school has entered the Network of Schools with a high influx of immigrants. A sociological survey, made by our school staff, showed the presence of many families socially and culturally in distress. In the area of Carini, the lack of job opportunities for young people and the large number of school dropouts promote illegal activities and enhance the conditions of social marginalization of the population. Our school has been involved for years in an attempt to deal with the phenomenon of school dropout, with several extracurricular projects, trying to "build" the appropriate situations in order to prevent early school leaving and complement the educational role of the family and the school. To promote the integration of foreign students, the school has created specific training programs with other schools in the area and has carried out numerous curricular projects to facilitate the integration of students with special needs. Our school has already partecipated in other European project and this has allowed to develop an European dimension, has allowed teachers to discuss with other colleagues on the methodology, educational courses, different school organizations, to exchange materials, search for points strength in common methodological practice, elements such as a source of enrichment and growth continues. With this new project we will have the possibility to know new european cultures and new ways of teaching, to know uses, customs, traditions, to learn foreign languages, to improve the quality of the education and to give our students the opportunity to open up to Europe, expanding their knowledge through a multi-cultural comparison. Given the value of sport as a tool to sensitize students to health education and promotion of compliance and active citizenship, our school, through active participation with other partner schools, will give added value to the training offer in the territory.