Our school is located in the city of Braila, Braila region. Nearby is the Danube River. The city is cosmopolitan. Our school is small. We have in the school: science lab, computer lab, a gym, library. We work the lessons in an interdisciplinary style . The school has 35 teachers and 400 students (6-15 years). The students come from different backgrounds (26% come from families with social problems). Their parents are modest. Many parents work in other European countries (31% of students have at least one parent abroad). We have also pupils belonging to national minorities (26%). We work together to develop in students the 8 key competences that are necessary for integration into society after they completed school. We work many projects with our students. In the school we organize after-school program. We do trips, organize shows, go to the theater, do sports. The school's volleyball team has very good results at regional level. We want to work this project for students, teachers and community. Everyone will benefit. Students will have better skills in the fields of social, linguistic, digital, sports. They will have a better motivation for learning and coming to school. We want to reduce early school leaving and passivity phenomen in learning. Our students will have better school results and will develop very much personally. They will know more about sports and health. We want to have a school for all students, a school where every student will develop harmoniously and will make progress in learning. The students will be more tolerant of pupils with special educational needs, because we want to create a project for all students of our school (we will involve at least 25% of students with educational needs, from our school). We need this project to work better with the student's families. School will have a positive image in the community. Teachers will share best practices in domains: didactic, pedagogical, managerial. They will become reflective to the activities LLP. Project activities will be included in the school program and the school development plan. Teachers, students, their families and local community, we will work together, as a team, for our project. The project will include cooperative learning strategies. Cooperation between students from different countries and institutions with different background and skills will increase skills and understanding of each partner. We will develop democratic citizenship.